EmergingTech from Japan

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Do you need information/analysis about Japan
tailored to your needs?

Do you need support to enter
the Japanese market?

Do you need support to enter overseas markets
from Japan?


SemiconductorPortal Inc. (SPI) operates Japanese and English websites—SemiconPortal in Japanese and SemiconPortal-EmergingTech from Japan in English—based on its network of long-standing, solid relationships with the Japanese semiconductor industry and the entire electronics sector.

Our Marketing Department provides professional services to corporate clients in Japan and leading industry organizations worldwide (see About Us). Now, we are ready to help you succeed if you are considering launching a business in Japan.

Or if you are a Japanese company intending to offer your products and services overseas, an informative, attractive corporate website aimed at potential customers is an essential tool. EmergingTech, the source of clear, captivating, professional English, can help you reach your target audience.


SemiconPortal services make the difference:

  1. Marketing Services -Sales/marketing for clients
    A local presence underpinned by a powerful human network is a key to success. SemiconPortal offers clients marketing services that increase their visibility in Japan.
    1. Strengthened relationships with current customers
    2. Attracting more customers
    3. Fruitful relationships with government/associations/industries
    4. Public relations
    5. Greater presence in Japan through events, publications, and websites
    6. Active information gathering and analysis in Japan attuned to client needs
    7. Effective usage of the Web
  2. Marketing Services -PR-
    1. Public Relations
      1. PR planning
      2. Press release production (original or translation into Japanese)
      3. Press release distribution to Japanese media
      4. Relationships with Japanese media
      5. Planning and managing press conferences
  3. Marketing Services -Research-
    1. Custom research
    2. Market potential in Japan
    3. Analysis of competitors
    4. Partners' potential in Japan
Rates are negotiable.

To find out more, please contact us at marketing-e@semiconportal.com

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